Are you a good brother/sister?

What is a good teammate?

Are you a good teammate? Complete the survey questions to find out. Decide if you agree or disagree with each sentence. Then find out what you answers mean.

  1. If a mate need help with some personal problem, they could turn to me for some advice.
                                                   agree            disagree

  1. If we go abroad with all the teammate and one of my friends miss their parents, I would make him laugh for a long time until he don’t remember that.
                                                   agree            disagree

  1. If one day someone need a t-shirt to do the workout I would happily lend it to them.
                                                  agree             disagree

  1. If someone new joined the team, I would quickly make them feel welcome and I make them laugh.
                                                   agree             disagree

  1. If your teammate is nervous for the competition, you will calm and help him like your coach do with you.
                                                 agree               disagree

If you are agree with most of the sentences, your team will improve and you will have loyal and generous mates and good relationships, and the result of this, you will improve your fitness and you will be better player and better person.

                             Resultat d'imatges de ENQUESTA
